Web Application Development

Get ideas out of your head onto devices all over

Working 9 til 5 is no longer the only way to make a living. In recent years, demand for flexible working roles has increased. Web apps are the answer. They enable companies to provide options for employees. Accessed via a web browser, web apps promote collaboration and can be used away from the office and across the globe!

Web app developers build apps with responsive design. What do we mean by that? The web app can adapt its layout to the screen of the device it is loaded on. That way, every user — working on a mobile to a 55" monitor — can enjoy the optimal user experience (UX). Web apps can also integrate with a business's existing tech for e.g. CRM systems. No need to fix what ain't broke!

Expert Software Consultants
Got an idea for a web app but don't know how to start?

Speak to one of our web app developers today.

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Web application development has come a long way. Appdrawn can spruce up your web app using the following, lesser-known features:

Facial Recognition - identify faces and track certain features for e.g. eye movement. Great tool for online invigilation or security.

Device Motion - detect changes to the position of a device. Brilliant in gaming — the device itself can act as a handheld console.

Speech Synthesis - convert text to speech. Reading the app's written content out loud, allows users to focus elsewhere.

Speech Recognition - capture and understand speech. Users can verbally interact with the app and do other tasks at the same time. They improve accessibility.

Augmented Reality - place virtual objects into real scenes. Great preview or 'try before you buy' tool in home improvement.

Network Information - provide data on the quality of a device's connection. Web apps use this info to adjust content to give every user the optimal experience.

Web App Developers
Aspire Customer Communications Services

Case Study: Aspire Customer Communications Services

A revolutionary, new platform, that dynamically visualises the CCM vendor landscape; the vision of an industry leader made reality.

Aspire's CEO had spotted a gap in the market. However, the project wasn't simply a business system re‑design or upgrade - it was the invention of a new, very technical, yet user‑friendly platform.

The Customer Communications Management (CCM) industry is fast evolving with the help of emerging technologies and new ways of working. The gradual convergence of CCM with Digital Customer Experience (DCX) has brought about changes in the competitive landscape, making the job of choosing a CCM provider increasingly complex for businesses.

This has created a gap in the market to develop a dynamic means of assessing the CCM technology available to enterprises and how it might meet their needs. Aspire sought to address this need by totally reinventing the model.

The vision of Kaspar Roos, CEO and founder of Aspire, was to completely transform and modernise the traditional analyst grid into an interactive, online tool that visualised the vendor landscape. The finished product would not only provide an essential offering for enterprises looking to buy CCM technologies, it would also unlock a major new stream of revenue.

The team at Appdrawn directed the project as both technical consultants and SaaS product specialists. Designing and developing the new analyst platform Aspire had in mind, required a team with strong UX and developer skill sets, but also one that understood market demands. Working closely with Aspire, initial ideas for the bespoke software platform were discussed in terms of how they could/would translate into the finished product. The initial design exploration phase was followed by agile development, with configurations to the platform tested and reviewed by Aspire.

The result was the launch of the Aspire Leaderboard, an interactive, self‑service digital platform that dynamically visualises the CCM vendor landscape. Technology vendors are analysed based on the strengths and sales capabilities of their software, as well as their future plans for their solution. Appdrawn's technical team integrated Aspire's in‑depth, expert analysis into the platform, which could then be plotted onto a grid on each business user's dashboard, based on their individual requirements.

The platform's unique technical capabilities and sleek UX have attracted enterprise users to the service, while new corporate partnership agreements means fresh content is regularly added to the platform. This includes collateral such as whitepapers, blogs and CCM industry analysis, adding value for users. With Appdrawn's technical consultancy and direction, Aspire has totally reinvented the traditional market research model and launched a unique solution in a market ripe for disruption.

Web app vs mobile app: which one do I need?

Have you been tasked with sourcing a new bespoke business app? Not familiar with the software development world? It can be confusing knowing what to go for! Case in point: web apps can be accessed on mobiles?! So what's the difference?

Cost - web application development is cheaper. Only one version is needed to work on all platforms. iOS and Android devices require different versions of the mobile app. Web apps can go live on the internet. App developers have to pay for mobile apps to be launched via the relevant app store. Web standards are fairly consistent so need less updates. Mobile apps are forever updating to keep up with the niche tech released yearly, which is costly.

Design - mobile app developers have more scope with design as there are no rules. Web app developers have less freedom, as they must adhere to web browser standards.

Device - mobile apps only work on mobile devices: phones and tablets. They won't work on computers. Web apps work on all devices including mobile ones.

Function - web apps have come a long way in terms of functionality (see list above). However, the breadth of functionality is still inferior to mobile apps.

Looking for mobile application development? Tap here.

Web App Software Developers

Call us on:

01442 211999
Lisa Corbridge

Hear what our clients say:

Partnering with Appdrawn has enabled us to bring something to the market that is truly unique. We've been able to build out a new revenue stream as well as engage with more people than we ever thought we could.

Lisa Corbridge, Marketing Manager, Aspire

Our Approach


1. Chat

We aim to make every exchange we have, both positive and useful. From the word go, you will speak to someone with technical know‑how. Our software consultants are a friendly bunch and await your call!

2. Design

We tackle all our projects with a design‑first approach. That way, our clients can see what the end product will look like and how it will work before any software development commences. You should only pay for something you want!

3. Plan

Once the final designs have been agreed, we will map out a comprehensive timeline complete with budgets. You will know exactly what you are getting and when you're getting it!

4. Build

Our team of software developers will get building. Fluent in a range of coding languages, they will construct your software in a way that will achieve the best results.

5. Test

Before your product goes live, our QA experts will carry out thorough testing. Using the latest practices and technologies, they will ensure your product performs at the highest level!

6. Launch

From start to finish, we will make sure your product launch is stress free, smooth‑sailing and a cause for celebration!

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