Mobile Application Development

Get ideas out of your head into the palm of your hand

Our modern world prioritises convenience. What is more convenient than being able to complete many of life's tasks all from the palm of your hand? Many of us engage with digital services via mobile apps. We stream an episode on our commute or do a spot of retail therapy from the comfort of our beds! To stay competitive, it is imperative that businesses have a mobile‑first approach.

Mobile apps have many benefits. Businesses can communicate with customers in real‑time via push notifications. Built specifically for mobile devices, they provide a swifter, smoother and more enjoyable user experience. Mobile apps serve as a visual reminder of a business's products and services - in sight, in mind! The downside? Mobile app technology is forever updating and thus costly. Building one is not a decision to be made lightly!

Expert Software Consultants
Have you got an idea for a mobile app?

Connect with our team of mobile app developers today.

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Be it an e‑commerce, social or fintech app, Appdrawn can help you tap into the world of opportunities lying at your fingertips:

All Apps & All Devices - our team of software developers build native and hybrid mobile apps for iPhone and Android devices.

Banking and Payment Service Integration - we build secure apps that simplify financial processes. Users can buy products and bank with ease.

Offline Capabilities - we enable users to roam free, whilst still being able to utilise all - or the core - functions of an app.

Accessibility - we make mobile apps that are inclusive of a diverse user base.

Brand Cohesion and Interface Design - we design mobile apps that showcase and are consistent with your branding. We create digital experiences that are simple and intuitive to the user.

AI Integration - we employ the latest and smartest technologies.

Mobile Application Developers
Renteq Highways

Case Study: Renteq Highways

A user‑friendly traffic management app to manage jobs, from start to finish, on any device, anywhere.

Renteq had four key goals: to streamline business operations, become more eco‑friendly, increase mobility and eliminate errors. Renteq knew what it needed to do, it just didn't know how - or who to partner with - to achieve its goal.

Highways are the backbone of Britain's transport network thus, their management and optimisation is therefore critical. Renteq provides traffic management services to a wide range of customers working on roads and highways. However, the company's legacy system was limiting the service it could provide to its customers, causing some serious traffic jams for users. Booking customer jobs using the legacy business system was complex and convoluted. Furthermore, Microsoft Access databases could only be accessed on PCs in Renteq's office, making it difficult for employees to work remotely.

Based in Watford, Renteq is located a stone's throw away from Appdrawn's HQ, and is a company we've worked alongside for many years.

Our proximity was great in terms of meeting the team, understanding the challenges they faced, and formulating solutions and a new business system.

Exploring the legacy business system allowed us to pinpoint the difficulties Renteq team members faced when using it day to day, as well as the features and tools that were lacking. Unsurprisingly, one of the first issues raised by users was the system's poor usability, which was causing delays and inefficiencies. As such, a new, bespoke, whole‑business web application was needed. We designed and built a robust, balanced and comprehensive server and client‑side solution.

The display of the new business system was completely reinvented, dividing the general platform display into individual screens to show unique information, easing navigation for the user. We also designed warnings that displayed in real time and eliminated different commonly‑experienced problem scenarios.

The new mobile‑ready business system can be accessed anywhere on any device, freeing up team members to work however and wherever they wish. It allows Renteq to manage other areas of the business, such as HR and financial reporting. Overall, it has saved Renteq's business a significant amount of time and money - and spared its users a significant amount of frustration!

Renteq's employees are spending less time re‑entering data, waiting for pages to load and trying to navigate messy graphics. Instead, their time is spent productively - boosting Renteq's business, improving the service it was offering to its customers, and helping to keep vehicles and passengers traversing the length and breadth of Britain!

How much does it cost to develop a mobile application?

How long is a piece of string? There's no quick and easy answer. Mobile apps vary in complexity, thus also in software development costs. As well as a budget for the build, costs need to be factored in for maintenance, feature improvements and marketing.

Here are some steps you can take, before requesting a quote. It will help you to get a more accurate price:

Work out the user journey - sketch out all the screens you think the mobile app could need. You don't need to be an artist; stick figures will suffice!

List any extra functions you think your mobile app may need - think camera access, Bluetooth connectivity, push notifications, offline functions etc.

Decide on a platform: iOS, Android or both - a majority of the code will be the same for both. Most expense goes into tweaking/testing the app to ensure it works on a wide range of devices. Android app development is cheaper, as there are far less app store review rules to comply with. However, there are far more devices for Android software developers to accommodate and test.

Mobile App Developers

Call us on:

01442 211999
Adam Smith

Hear what our clients say:

The team has delivered timely outputs and kept us updated with the project's progress. They are easy to contact whenever we need their assistance.

Adam Smith, Director, Highway Safety Management Ltd

Our Approach


1. Chat

We aim to make every exchange we have, both positive and useful. From the word go, you will speak to someone with technical know‑how. Our software consultants are a friendly bunch and await your call!

2. Design

We tackle all our projects with a design‑first approach. That way, our clients can see what the end product will look like and how it will work before any software development commences. You should only pay for something you want!

3. Plan

Once the final designs have been agreed, we will map out a comprehensive timeline complete with budgets. You will know exactly what you are getting and when you're getting it!

4. Build

Our team of software developers will get building. Fluent in a range of coding languages, they will construct your software in a way that will achieve the best results.

5. Test

Before your product goes live, our QA experts will carry out thorough testing. Using the latest practices and technologies, they will ensure your product performs at the highest level!

6. Launch

From start to finish, we will make sure your product launch is stress free, smooth‑sailing and a cause for celebration!

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