How to reopen all windows when restarting Chrome

ProductivityAppdrawn Team | Published 11th June 2024
Here's how you can retrieve all the windows you had open before your computer restarted...

Today’s entry is a natural successor for our last tech tip. Previously, we spoke about how to restore a closed tab or window in Google Chrome. The instructions included within that tech tip are useful in scenarios where you have accidentally closed down the wrong window or tab. Today we are talking about a similar incident but on a grander scale!

We have all been there. Happily browsing away, your screen is adorned with windows containing references and websites which are gold dust to the task at hand. But out of nowhere, Google suddenly crashes. You frantically click the refresh button multiple times in a vain attempt to resuscitate the browser. All hope is lost. The only way out is to restart your device.

How can you possibly retrieve all the windows you had open before your computer restarted? There are too many links to remember! Back in the day, there wasn’t always a way out of this. Sometimes, if your computer crashed and you couldn’t remember what links you had open, it was tough luck. However, technology has come a long way.

The googlers over in silicon valley, have added a built-in feature to the Google Chrome browser that allows you to retrieve all the windows you had open prior to a restart. It is a preventative measure rather than a reactive one. All you need to do is enable a specific setting. Here’s how:

How to get Google Chrome to restore it’s last session automatically

  • Launch Google Chrome.
  • Click the kebab menu icon (three vertically stacked dots) in the top right-hand corner of the Google Chrome browser window.
  • Click “Settings” and a new settings tab will open.
  • Click “On start-up” on the menu featured on the left-hand side of your screen.
  • Select the “Continue where you left off’ option.

That’s it. From here on in you can browse the internet with full peace of mind that your efforts will not be lost. Happy browsing!

At Appdrawn Software Development, we are passionate about tech doing the work for you so you can do the things that tech cannot. If you are looking for more tech tips, have a browse here.

Appdrawn Team | Updated 11th June 2024

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