How to open up a specific set of pages every time you start Google Chrome

Time ManagementAppdrawn Team | Published 17th September 2024
Take advantage of Google Chrome's "on start-up" feature to specify a list of web pages that you would like to open every time Google Chrome gets launched. Here's how...

Whether you’re a university student or an employee, when you open up your laptop to work, it is highly probable that you open up the same tabs on Google Chrome every time. You have one tab for your email, various social accounts, the company’s web page, a student portal and a news page. You may even have a cheeky streaming platform such as Netflix running in the background.

As a result, the start of your day ends up becoming this monotonous, time-consuming routine. Open Google, create a new tab, enter URL, repeat. Some might find this morning ritual helps them get into the work zone. Others, however, find it a nuisance. For instance, if you are working from home, slept in too long and need to get your laptop set up pronto for your 9am meeting, every millisecond counts!

To speed things up, you could bookmark all of your go-to links, making them easier to access and open. However, this method still involves a fair amount of clicking. You would have to right click on each bookmark and click again to select the “open in new tab” option.

However, the quickest option by far, is to take advantage of Google Chrome’s “on start-up” feature. The on start-up feature allows users to specify a list of web pages that they would like to open every time Google Chrome gets launched. Set this up and you can get straight down to business!

How to open up a specific set of pages when you start Google Chrome

  • Open Google Chrome.
  • Create a new tab and enter in the URL for every web page you would like to open every time you launch Google Chrome.
  • Click the kebab menu icon (three vertically stacked dots) in the top right-hand corner of the browser window.
  • Go to Settings ( a new tab will open).
  • Click “On start-up” from the menu on the left-hand side of your screen.
  • Select “Use current pages.”

Now every time you launch Google Chrome, the pages you had open will automatically load.

How to add another page to your Google Chrome on start-up selection

  • Open Google Chrome
  • Click the kebab menu icon (three vertically stacked dots) in the top right-hand corner of the browser window.
  • Go to Settings ( a new tab will open).
  • Click “On start-up” from the menu on the left-hand side of your screen.
  • Select “Open a specific page or set of pages.”
  • Click “Add a new page.”
  • Enter the page’s URL
  • Click Add.

There is no limit to how many pages you can add this way.

How to delete a page from your Google Chrome on start-up selection

If you no longer need a web page that is included in your on start-up selection, you can delete it from the list.

  • Open Google Chrome
  • Click the kebab menu icon (three vertically stacked dots) in the top right-hand corner of the browser window.
  • Go to Settings ( a new tab will open).
  • Click “On start-up” from the menu on the left-hand side of your screen.
  • Click the kebab menu icon next to the web page link you want to remove from your on start-up selection.
  • Click “Remove.”

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Appdrawn Team | Updated 17th September 2024

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